Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Happy 2nd Birthday!

Charlotte turned two on July 3rd!  It's hard to believe how fast the past two years have flown by.

Weight: 26 lb 9 oz (50%)

Height: 34 inches (75%)

Head circumference: 19 inches (75%)

Charlotte enjoys school these days, especially her teacher Ms. Alex and her friends Isla and Chandler.  This summer she has had fun at water time on Wednesday's and napping in the tent.  Outside of school, Charlotte loves going to the pool, the zoo (where she loves to play in the fountains in her swimsuit and ride the train), and the park.  She loves the iPhone ... whether it's making prank calls to all sorts of interesting people in Mommy or Daddy's contact list or posting to Mommy's facebook page.  In the mornings, she likes to watch Timmy Time while eating her yogurt and getting ready for school.       

Favorite foods: cereal bars, crackers, spaghetti, pizza, beef barley soup, yogurt, cookies

Lately she has had a worsening addiction to her paci and blankie ...

Special treat on her birthday ... Daddy let her shower with her paci and blankie!
 First of many parties ... at the lake
Boating with Brutus
 Very blurry pictures, but these are from Charlotte's party at school.  She wasn't sure what to think!
 Playing in the tent!
 Birthday dinner at Brio!

 Looking so sweet for her party ... 
 Then she decided that she would rather be naked for her party

 The naked birthday girl!
 Happy birthday Charlotte!

 Jumping on her new trampoline

 Taking Maggie for a walk
Finishing a big girl lunch at Urban Cookhouse
Happy 2nd Birthday!  You have been a blessing beyond measure and we are looking forward to all the fun and joy the next year will bring.


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Charlotte at 18 months

Updates at 18 months (well, closer to 19 as we were a little late making it to our 18 month appt ...)

Weight: 23 lb 14 oz (25th-50th percentile)
Height: 33 inches (50th-75th percentile)

- Charlotte is rapidly becoming an independent little person with her own strong opinions and feelings.  While this creates inherent frustration and difficulty at times, having an interactive toddler can be really fun.  The moments of pure sweetness (hugs and kisses) quickly overshadow the temper tantrums.

A happy moment on the couch 
A not-so-happy moment at the park

- Nice meals at restaurants are a thing of the past.  Charlotte is always on the go and sitting to eat a meal in a new interesting environment is out of the question.  While this has limited us in some ways, we have also done a better job of taking advantage of our wonderful built in babysitters to have some nice adult dinners out.  
We still make it to an occasional meal at Over Easy where Charlotte enjoys her fruit and biscuit

- Charlotte is still quite attached to her pacifier (although we try to limit this to bedtime and naptime).  A pacifier and her blankie go everywhere with us!

- Her eating has become somewhat picky.  Her favorite foods are spaghetti, eggs, yogurt, cheese, rice, hummus, spaghetti, fruit, carrots, and peas.

Demanding food from the refrigerator after making me take off her clothes and put on her bib

Enjoying a bowl of mandarin oranges

- Bedtime is still early (between 5:30 and 6:30).  She sleeps for a solid 12 hours and wakes up between 5:30 and 6
Well, sleep is MOSTLY good ... she did have several nights during which she refused to sleep anywhere besides the recliner in the den

- Naptimes have gotten much better, mostly thanks to daycare for getting her on a good napping schedule (1-1.5 hours in her crib!)

- She is beginning to show an interest in the toilet.  She loves to tear off toilet paper, pretend to wipe herself, and throw it in the toilet.  I bought her a little potty of her own, which she seems to have no interest in (and actually seems fearful of).  Wishful thinking on my part, I suppose.
She wanted to be put on the toilet (this lasted for all of 30 seconds - nothing happened of course, but she had a wonderful time pulling all the toilet paper off the roll)

Instead of her own potty, she prefers Brutus's bed ... she walked over to it, sat down, and promptly relieved herself

- Her hair is usually wild - sticking up strangely in the back or straight down in her face.  However, we are making slow progress with the bow :)
Strangeness going on
Appeasing me with a bow

- Her favorite activity is throwing a ball to a retrieving dog.  I am now even more appreciative of our lazy dachshund!  Otherwise she would incessantly demand to be taken outside to throw the ball.  Trips to my parents or to visit Brandon's parents at the lake are spent throwing the ball off the deck to Eli or in the yard to Millie.

- I miss our walks with the stroller!  We used to love walking the mile to the Homewood Park, but now Charlotte will not sit in her stroller for more than a block.  Too much to see and explore

Loves the park.  Riding in the stroller to get to the park? Not so much ...

- Charlotte's vocabulary has exploded over the past month.  I can't even list all the words she is saying now.  She LOVES the word "no" (surprise, surprise).  She especially loves to scold Brutus, whether he is just trying to take a peaceful nap or actually doing something naughty (like barking or chewing something he isn't supposed to)

- Although we hardly ever let her watch TV, we do give in occasionally and let her watch Hap Palmer videos (which I watched as a little kid) via YouTube on AppleTV
Operating the AppleTV remote with frightening ease

- Words used to describe Charlotte: happy, spirited, passionate, sensitive.  Her sensitive side is really emerging as of the last month or two.  On two separate occasions, each of her grandmothers has told her not to do something (not in a raised tone of voice, just conversational) and she hangs her head, sticks out her lip, and cries.  Both times she appeared to be mad and distant for the rest of the visit.  She will have to learn!

Our spirited and fun-loving child at the McWane Center.  The thought of wearing an apron, like all the other children who were splashing in the water, was out of the question ...

This is her preferred way of wearing sunglasses

Cheering the Crimson Tide on to another national championship!  Roll tide!

Love my girl!

Happy 18 months Charlotte!

Friday, January 25, 2013

School Pictures

Charlotte had her first school pictures a month or two ago.  She actually let her teachers put a bow in her hair!  The Creepers class has been wonderful to her as she made the transition from baby to toddler.  I could not have asked for two better women to watch, nurture, and teach her while Brandon and I work.  She runs into school with a smile on her face and doesn't even look back when I drop her off.  Knowing she is happy and having fun makes it so much easier to leave her.  She has changed so much since she first joined this class in August ... at that time she wasn't even walking!  Now she is running, talking, and drinking from a sippy cup.  We will be sad to say goodbye next week.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Snow Day

Last week Charlotte got to experience snow for the first time as we had a little wintery weather in Birmingham!  Thankfully, Brandon and I were both home for the few hours it snowed and got to enjoy it with her.
 Unsure at first

 Brutus loved the snow too!

 Telling Brutus "no" ... one of her latest tricks

 View from our front porch
 Our house

Saved the best for last!  Someone certainly enjoyed herself :)